Where can I purchase Nino Bossi Handbags?
Nino Bossi Handbags can be found in high end stores around the county. To find a retailer near you, visit our Store Locator. You can also purchase Nino Bossi Handbags online through Our Online Store. If there is not a retailer listed that is by you, please contact Nino Bossi and we will direct you to one that is the closest to you.

What is the inspiration for Nino Bossi Handbags?
From the runways of Paris and Milan, inspiration for Nino Bossi Handbags focuses on a clean minimal design.

What are Nino Bossi Handbags made of?
Italian Crunch leathers, shinny crackles with a touch of Veg tanned leather trim puts us on the edge of fashion.

How do I get a password to gain access to your "The Collection" section?
This section is restricted to Nino Bossi Retailers only. If you wish to become a Nino Bossi Handbags Retailer, please contact us so we can gather the appropriate information.

Who should I contact to become a Nino Bossi Handbags Retailer?
To become a Nino Bossi Retailer, please contact us so we can gather the appropriate information.